Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Pond's Experiment- My Results

I started out the Pond's Experiment with lots of hope and excitement.  Unfortunately, after two weeks of using Pond's daily, I have to change my tune.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised when the first ingredient listed is mineral oil.  The first week of using it, my skin was looking glowy and clear.  I ignored the weird film that Pond's left on my face, usually getting my skin squeaky clean with toner.  I used a washcloth to get Pond's off, and then switched to cotton pads, thinking it would be easier instead of using a new washcloth every night.  I think that transition made a big difference; the towel helped to exfoliate and remove the film, while the cotton pads just kind of removed my makeup.  Initially using Pond's felt kind of glamorous and old-school, but soon I found it tedious...and trust me, sometimes I get too lazy to make a big production out of washing my face.

On to week two of using Pond's.  I tried to blame the breakout I experience on the Ole Henriksen mask, but when more and more pimples were popping up, I thought Pond's had something to do with it.  And then the flaking!  Because Pond's is so oil-heavy, it didn't do anything to help my already oily face.  So I was SHOCKED when my face suddenly got really dry and flaky; maybe I was overcompensating for the oil by using too much toner.  All in all, my skin was acting wacky.  And I didn't feel like dealing with it anymore.

But not all is lost!  I do sincerely think that Pond's is an excellent makeup remover or pre-cleanser, something I can use to get all of my makeup off when I do dramatic or makeup-heavy looks.  I just think a cleanser that comes off with water is the best thing for your skin.  So during my weekly waste-money-on-who-knows-what trip to Target, I spied this cleanser by Neutrogena.  It's called Visibly Even Foaming Cleanser, and it's supposed to help with dark spots (which I definitely have from being a serial skin-picker) and dull skin.  Before I jump the gun and tell you I love it or hate it, I'll give it a few weeks.  Here's hoping!!


  1. I knew ponds was going to be weird


  3. I tried this Neutrogena cleanser and really like it... thanks for the recommendation.
